Sarah Ryder

Sarah Ryder has a professional financial management, commercial operations, and language
teaching background. She has worked for the past ten years as the Operations Coordinator of
the ICCA Consortium, an international non-profit organisation working to support
Indigenous peoples and local community groups to document, sustain and defend their
territories of life. She was responsible for the administrative, funding and financial
management systems of the organisation, and worked very closely with the governing Board.

Sarah currently also serves on the Board of the Paul K. Feyerabend Foundation, based in
Switzerland. The Paul K. Feyerabend Foundation promotes the empowerment and wellbeing
of disadvantaged human communities by strengthening intra and inter-community solidarity.
Paul Feyerabend was an ardent defender of everyone’s freedom to think, decide and
determine their own priorities and values.

Sarah is Swiss and British and has lived in several countries around Europe. She is now based
permanently in Switzerland and enjoys walking in the mountains and taking in the beauty of
her natural surroundings.

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